“Exploring Gender Tropes in Digital Entertainment: Is Choosing Female Avatars in Video Games a Reflection of My Sexuality?”
“I’m a Boy. Does Playing Female Characters in Video Games Make Me Gay?”
“Many experts argue about what it’ll mean when artificial intelligence evolves past humans on the hypothetical planet of technological singularity. One critical point in play is less exciting, but crucial: what happens between here and there?” The future of AI is painted in shades of dazzling innovation, yet the road to singularity is studded with underwhelming, yet compelling bumps.
First, the debate about gender and AI must be silenced. Thanks to an army of academics and repeated bashing of prejudices, ’tis time we say adios to the damsel-in-distress voice for our AI assistants. Oh, we dare you to think of the tech apocalypse where your robotic assistant no longer sounds like a sultry siren, but more like your neighborhood monotone Martin. You think AI rabbits escaping playpen fences was a problem? Just wait.
Then we dive headfirst into gaming psychology. Gone are the days when games were for the acne-ridden, socially awkward stereotypes. Games now offer a buffet of identities. There, under the guise of cloud-triggered gender, your roguish rogue can sprout a man bun and your dainty damsel can grow a beard. Evolution, they call it. Strange how the utopian fantasies of gaming programmers somehow infused a hard rock guy with a soft-on-the-insides AI broker into your next game character.
Now don’t get started on the attractive blonde female avatar phenomenon. Yes, she’s blonde. Yes, she is an avatar. But no, she does not want your free set of magic cards or a tutorial walkthrough. She’s probably too busy winning the game.
Lastly, let’s not forget the cloud. Ever wonder how your game avatar changes gender and appearance seemingly at will? It’s all smoke and mirrors, my friend, smoke and mirrors. The cloud, that mysterious platform that stores your data, also experiments with it. It swaps male confidence with feminine intuition, morphs body types, and holds the power to make your avatar slap on that Shakespearean ruff. Beware the cloud, for it is ever-watching, ever-learning.
Now that we’ve unveiled the reality behind AI, gaming, and their ludicrous psychological idiosyncrasies, we leave you to ponder the paradox of the avatar – an entity that is both you and not-you at the same time. After all, who are we in tech, if not the perfect combination of chaos and calculation?
Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/cloud-support-gender-avatar-video-games/