Prolific AI Innovator Aims to Rescue His Own Creation: Generative AI
“He Helped Invent Generative AI. Now He Wants to Save It”
“In true Web3 spirit, Polosukhin wants to put AI in the hands of users. Right now, he says, it’s controlled by big tech companies and their walled gardens. His solution involves giving users the power to own and tweak their AI assistants.”
The digital ecosystem is currently dominated by tech giants whose AI-enabled platforms operate like walled gardens, untouched by user influence. According to Illia Polosukhin, this is not okay. He envisions a future where ordinary internet users can own, operate and even refine their AI assistants.
The principles of Web3 lie at the heart of this remarkable concept of user-owned AI, because, really, who among us wouldn’t want a piece of the AI pie? Being told what to do by an AI is commonplace, so why not shake things up? How about taking charge and telling the AI what to do instead? Quite a novel thought, isn’t it?
Polosukhin isn’t merely fantasizing about the idea. The co-founder of Near Protocol is actually working toward this vision, yanking the reins of AI away from big tech and handing them to Web3. Ushering us into a brave new world where everyday technology consumers have control over their AI assistant. Talk about a plot twist!
Although the idea of user-owned AI is intriguing, it goes without saying that making such a change won’t be as easy as flipping a switch. Major tech companies won’t blissfully surrender their AI control, and there will be countless barriers to overcome. But not to dampen the optimism, there’s always a first step, and Polosukhin’s ventures might just be paving the way for this AI paradigm shift.
Will this democratization of AI create a chaotic or harmonious digital world? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain, it’s going to be fascinating to sit back with the popcorn and watch how this plays out in the battlefield of AI tech. So here’s hoping for interesting times ahead and a future where Big Brother AI doesn’t always know what’s best.