Artificial Intelligence Adds a Whimsical Touch to the Annals of Meme History

“AI Is Rewriting Meme History”

“In the world of memes, Kermit sipping tea is so 2014. Rage faces are ancient internet hieroglyphics. And in the age of deep fakes and dystopian artificial intelligence, memes are getting weird. Obnoxious, provocative, and perpetually adolescent in spirit, meme culture is the chaotic, shouty id of the internet. But thanks to a new feature from renowned meme archival institution Know Your Meme (an essential resource in these absurdist times), chronological meme history is taking on a whole new level of sophistication.”

Welcome to 2021, where even memes, those zeitgeist-defining, often irksome digital artifacts, are getting a facelift, not only in their creation but also in their classification. Think memes are just the ridiculous thoughts of internet trolls with too much time on their hands? Oh, how naive.

Know Your Meme, the internet’s cardinal meme reservoir, has launched a new feature. This glossy add-on dives into the extensive chronology of meme history, illustrating an all-new level of evolution. But remember, we’re dabbling in the realm where Kermit sipping tea is considered ancient history.

However, don’t be fooled into thinking this is a simple chronicle of laughing till you cry emojis and Pepe the Frog incarnations. This feature, driven by the power of Artificial Intelligence, is rearranging the internet’s backdrop, redefining the concept of memeology, and astoundingly, rewiring perceptions. (Yes, evidently ‘memeology’ is now a thing. Keep up.)

Consider the concept of deep fakes. It’s like getting a glimpse into an alternate universe where nothing is sacred, and everything can be negotiated – even authenticity. Yes, bizarre world indeed. Take AI technology and couple it with the chaos of meme culture, and you’ve got the recipe for a dystopian virtual wonderland.

In the grander scheme of things, some may argue that meme chronology’s exploration is a needless exercise. But let’s paint this another way. Art history may be filled with Monet’s impressionism and Picasso’s surrealism, but aren’t memes the true contemporary chronicle of human expression? Socio-political commentary, satire, public opinion – they’re all entwined in these bite-sized morsels of humour (or whatever they’re intended to be).

So go on, immerse yourself in this AI-generated chronicle of mischief and merriment. Who knows, you might even stumble upon memes representing the ‘shouty id of the internet.’ So, keep that sarcasm handy. After all, there’s no better way to quarantine those internet trolls than by fighting fire with fire.

Read the original article here: