Heavy Hitters of AI in Tech World Band Together in the League of Extraordinary Algorithms: CoSAI

“Big Tech AI names join the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI)”

“Big names in tech and AI have joined the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI), a non-profit organization striving to raise public awareness about the potential risks of AI and establish ethical practices in tech spheres.”

Roll out the red carpet! The titans of Artificial Intelligence have taken time out of their oh-so-busy schedules to align themselves with the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI). This league of extraordinary gentlemen and ladies, as the report confirms, are aiming to pump up public understanding of the potential perils lurking in the shadows of AI, while concurrently preaching the gospel of ethical practices in the tech field.

Well, it’s about time is it not? After years of toying with AI like a shiny, new tech toy, it appears the mechanics of it all might be dawning onto our beloved tech tycoons. Oh, don’t fret! Despite the tardiness, the move is most welcome.

CoSAI, playing the ever-gracious host, is essentially a non-profit framework supporting the objective of an AI ecosystem which honors the values of human rights, freedom, transparency and accountability. The underlying concept isn’t rocket science – establishing AI in a manner that doesn’t end up creating the real world Sci-Fi dystopia that’s usually relegated to thrilling Netflix series.

The surprising presence of these tech bigwigs (filled with genius minds, really!) aligning with CoSAI accentuates the message: ethical AI isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. Why? Well, because our tech overlords say so! And, well, they’re not wrong.

Overall, uncontested acceptance that AI has a dark side that requires regulation and oversight, that ethical AI is crucial, and the need to align it with human-centric values has set the stage. And you know what? I’m looking forward to the performance. The cast is all-star, after all. I just hope they remember their lines.

So, dear reader, sit back, pop some popcorn, and witness the spectacle of big tech attempting to retrace their steps, revising their AI models with ethical standards. It ought to be quite a show, promising a thrilling, suspenseful, and hopefully, a happy ending. Here’s to the future of AI, one that, thankfully, is cognizant of and committed to promoting ethical practice. Cheers!

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/07/big-tech-ai-names-join-the-coalition-for-secure-ai-cosai/