Final Challenge for Humankind: Sourcing Brain-Teasers to Bamboozle AI!

“Humanity’s Last Exam wants your tough questions to stump AI”

“Humanity’s Last Exam, an initiative aimed at determining how capable artificial intelligence systems are at answering uniquely human questions, is on the hunt for tough questions to stump AI.” This is the thrilling opener of an article published on In essence, messing up for AIs is fun, isn’t it?

The goal of this groundbreaking venture, you ask? To see just how indomitable, or embarrassingly feeble, our AI overlords can be when confronted with queries that are, well, distinctively human. Talk about setting them up for a fall!

What is exactly meant by the term “questions uniquely human,” one should wonder? Should AI be crossed-examined about the existential dread of being a carbon-based life form or grilled on the unraveling psychodrama that keeps humans up at night? Apparently – and shockingly not – our fine detractors are interested in the more technically involved queries. For instance, do not expect HAL-9000 to philosophize on the intricate rules of mingling with humans at a cocktail party. But try inquiring about how a microwave’s hefty manual explains the ‘Chemical Free Cleaning Function,’ and you might be in store for a treat.

Ironically, this venture is not just about watching our artificial competitors stumble around in circles. The organizers anticipate advancement in the AI’s undeniably impressive cognitive effectiveness – Lord forbid if machines outplayed humans in their own game!

Yet, one can’t help but smirk at the delightful prospect of machine counterparts wrestling with questions that have never crossed their silicic neural paths. Quite like an intellectual gladiatorial match, wouldn’t you say? The contest would certainly make for one heck of a spectacle, probably even the reigning entertainment on human Snapchat stories – or whatever humans will be procrastinating on in 2024.

So, you are invited to toss in your share of brain-busters to this grand cause. After all, there’s something innately satisfying in outsmarting a thing that lacks our unique blend of intuition and rationality, helps us feel a tad superior in our own made playfield. On the off chance AI performs immaculately, at least we can say we made them earn their victory.

But let’s remain hopeful, shall we? No way a machine truly comprehends the mind-numbing complexity of understanding human babies’ cryptic communications, could it? Oh, the delicious joy of contemplating an AI wracking its virtual brain over such an enigma!

Read the original article here: