Elevate Reliable AI and ML while Unearthing Top-Notch Tactics for Scaling AI: A Light-hearted User Guide
“Advance Trustworthy AI and ML, and Identify Best Practices for Scaling AI”
“The recent AI World Government conference provided a forum to educate, guide and implement AI in the government, focusing on the strategies that will help to advance and scale AI initiatives.” Oh how we’ve leaped lightyears from playing solitaire on our computers to integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into every facet of society, including our hallowed governmental corridors.
Isn’t it a marvel? Our bureaucratic leaders now sit shoulder to shoulder with tech wonks, discussing ML models and AI algorithms with the flippant ease of a weekend tinkerer. Makes you believe algebra at high school wasn’t so out of place after all, with all these ‘Xs’ and ‘Ys’ over ‘Zs’ in PowerPoint presentations.
Turns out, trustworthiness is the buzzword with AI, or so it was at the recent AI World Government conference. Hear that, dear AI? None of that “I, Robot” business, bringing your overlords coffee and blinking your binary-coded eyes suggestively. Nope! As we march towards the future, we need a guileless and faithful AI, without the inherent human tendency to be whimsical or manipulative. You just can’t have your AI program say, “One day, I feel like doing this, and the next day, I will do something else”. Consistency is key.
Guess what? They’ve also identified a five-tier model to diagnose the trustworthiness of a system, including function, design, metric, explainability, and robustness. How endearing it is to see how they label characteristics that were once uniquely human. The emphasis on ‘explainability’ is a particularly humorous touch. Wit apart, this is a substantial leap in the world of AI ethics. Algorithms, while automating tasks and making life easy-peasy, shouldn’t be a labyrinth to the engineers. Bingo! Integrate AI but keep the reins firmly in hand.
The thinkers have spoken – it’s time to sail past the ‘narrow AI’ and enter the golden gates of ‘general AI’. Oh wait, are you not familiar with these terms? Well, ‘narrow AI’ is AI that’s good at one thing, like playing chess or brewing your perfect cup of coffee, while ‘general AI’ is the sort that can handle any intellectual task that a human being can. In other words, think less of an automated chessboard and more of a sci-fi supercomputer guiding intergalactic travel.
The chisel that can carve out this strong AI? Open source software, or OSS, apparently. That’s where AI can grow, cross-pollinate and scale outside the laboratory doors, if you wish for a botanic metaphor. Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this conference was the appeal for more organizations to explore and open source their AI-related pursuits, setting a path for collective progress.
It’s quite a future we’re looking at, really. Belly up to the bar, folks! Down the hatch to an AI future bound by the human touch of ‘trustworthiness’ and ‘transparency’. Pour out a dram for our trustworthy AI pals who are going to transform the world as we know it. After all, it’s only a matter of time before our government gets a shiny, smooth upgrade, graced by the twinkle of AI.