“California’s Commander-in-Chief, Gavin Newsom, Shows the Red Flag to SB 1047 AI Safety Bill”

“California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoes SB 1047 AI safety bill”

“Governor Gavin Newsom recently vetoed SB 1047, a bill that would have established new safety and transparency protocols for artificial intelligence systems used by state government agencies.”

One does wonder, what exactly is the honorable Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, thinking? It seems he recently decided his red veto pen was getting a bit dusty on his desk, and decided to use it on SB 1047. The same SB 1047, mind you, that proposed to elevate safety measures and improve transparency on artificial intelligence systems used by state government agencies. Ah, transparency, now there’s a word that appears to be out of favor in the California Governor’s office.

The fundamental purpose of SB 1047 was, in essence, the creation of new guidelines on the utilization of artificial intelligence in state agencies. This was not aimed at restricting the progress of technological evolution, but rather to exercise due diligence and make sure that AI is established safely and ethically. Big concepts, but clearly not big enough to stay the hand that gripped the red pen.

Apparently, the governor believes that auditing AI systems and assessing the potential impacts on privacy, civil liberties, and disproportionate impacts is not paramount. But then again, citizen’s issues always seem to take a back seat when it comes to bureaucracy. It may come as a surprise, but the state has a responsibility towards its citizens. Or perhaps, that’s an outdated concept, right, Governor Newsom?

The kicker, though, is the assertion that this bill “duplicates efforts”. Of course! How naive of us, assuming that additional measures to bolster transparency and safety would be beneficial. Let’s just carry on with ‘business as usual’ then, because that’s always worked out so well, hasn’t it?

One can only hope that this misguided veto won’t come back to bite in the form of a rogue AI system wreaking technological havoc. But hey, it’s just progress, right? Cross your fingers, Californians! Your friendly, neighborhood AI systems continue to buzz along without these pesky regulations. Best of luck! You might need it.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/09/california-governor-gavin-newsom-vetoes-sb-1047-ai-safety-bill/