“EU Initiates AI Code of Practice: A Balancing Act Between Innovation and Safety”

“EU kickstarts AI code of practice to balance innovation & safety”

“The European Commission confirmed it is in the process of developing a framework around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of social good, economic benefits, and ethical decision-making.”

Ah, the wise folks over at the European Commission have decided to bring their minds together and explore the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence! It’s about time they decided to catch up. And boy, what a task they’ve undertaken, developing a framework for the use of AI that helps society, contributes economically, and waits for it … underpins ethical decision-making. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s quite the goal.

So, what’s the plan of action? They aim to create a list—yes you heard it right, a list—of obligations for, let’s call them AI “operators” (because, “user” or “controller” just isn’t fancy enough). The belief is that these obligations would somewhat magically balance the need for innovation, safety, human rights, and apparently everything in between.

Now, as much as I would like to believe there’s a ‘one size fits all’ kind of list for AI, it won’t be as simple as going to the grocery store. Sorry to break it to you, folks. Given the sheer diversity, complexity, and the breakneck pace with which AI technologies are evolving, it’s like trying to pin a tail on a donkey while blindfolded in a room full of elephants – tricky and a little risky!

The Commission is also planning an evaluative process. Key participants such as AI experts and stakeholders will be extensively involved, because of course, many heads make light work, or so they hope. They are especially eager to engage with SME’s since they are anticipated to be more affected by AI regulations.

Perhaps the most amusingly optimistic aspect of this plan is the expectation that this AI code of conduct will lead to a “dynamic framework.” Without a speck of doubt, ‘dynamic’ is a nice word, it rolls smoothly off the tongue. But when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of administrative work, that’s when the hairsplitting begins.

It’s essential to remember that ethical AI is not just a challenge at the technological level, it’s also a societal question. Whether this grand initiative by the EU can successfully nip potential misuse of AI in the bud, only time will tell. For now, at least they’re trying. Let’s give them a round of applause, shall we?

Whether this will enable a harmonized roadmap for AI compliance, fighting with issues like bias, discrimination or other undesirable outcomes, will be a sight to behold. For now…good luck, European Commission. Sounds like quite an adventure awaits.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/10/eu-kickstarts-ai-code-of-practice-to-balance-innovation-safety/