“Doge Enthusiasts from AI Realty Firm and Mobile Home Business Bolster HUD’s Team”

“DOGE Staffers at HUD Are From an AI Real Estate Firm and a Mobile Home Operator”

“Doge is a module that, when installed in a home, can collect heaps of data on the building’s energy use, occupancy, and physical structure over time, making the clunky and semi-functional HUD systems of today look woefully behind the times,” Wired.com opines.

Raise your hand if you’re still stuck in ye olden times, utilizing HUD systems that are about as effective as a wooden wheel on a modern sportscar. Welcome to the future, decoders! A future where AI isn’t only teaching us how to bake the perfect sourdough on YouTube. It’s also changing the face of real estate as we know it.

Enter Doge. No, not our favorite memelord Shiba Inu – this Doge is all about real estate. A smart little module that swiftly turns your house into a data-mining goldmine. What’s on the menu, you ask? Substantial data on home energy use, occupancy, and physical structure over time. Makes the HUD modules we’ve been twiddling thumbs over seem breathtakingly primitive, doesn’t it?

Don’t be fooled into thinking that Doge is just another gimmick in the overcrowded world of proptech. Anyone who’s experienced the frustration of patching together a half-baked solution from outmoded HUD systems would rejoice at Doge’s streamlined data collection. It’s tremendous, it’s seamless, it’s like turning on your favorite rock ballad and realizing you have VIP front-stage access.

The secret sauce? AI, our trusty side-kick in the digital age, is powering this proptech revolution. It’s real estate with a fierce dose of digital sophistication. Feels a long way from the endless piles of paperwork and the migraine-inducing forms that our predecessors wrestled with, doesn’t it?

In conclusion, brace for the onslaught of the future and give a heartfelt wave to antiquity. Doge – the AI-infused proptech solution – is putting the HUD systems of yore on the fast track to (rightly deserved) extinction. This shiny new solution is all set to take real estate professionals out of the dark ages and into the brightness of the future.

It’s almost like watching an action-packed tech movie, isn’t it? Except it’s real, not reel. Watch this space for more transformations in the proptech world. That is, assuming you’re not too busy mourning the obsolescence of your beloved HUD systems. In the name of progress, right?

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/doge-hud-systems-access-ai-proptech-real-estate-mobile-home/