RAND Contributes to President Biden’s Executive Order

“AI think-tank RAND played a key role in drafting Biden’s Executive Order”

“RAND, a non-partisan, nonprofit research organization, has played a pivotal role in drafting key components of the Biden administration’s executive order on AI,” reveals DailyAI. Oh, what sweet irony! An AI think tank, immersing themselves in shaping policies related to artificial intelligence. Who’d have thought?

Be it cueing in on broad impacts or delving into minute details, the folks at RAND have flexed their intellectual muscles like no one else. Their expert insights and advice have been cherry-picked by the Biden administration to be part of an executive order that navigates the choppy waters of AI policy.

Interestingly enough, RAND practically breathed life into the concept of ‘public domain data.’ Milan Taylor, a RAND researcher, is often heard singing praises of such data. According to him, sharing public domain data can surely light up the path towards achieving AI literacy. A sweet serenade, to say the least.

The executive order, titled “Ensuring Responsible Use of AI,” sings the same tune. It calls for promoting the use of AI in public services while maintaining transparency, accountability, and foundational rights. Noble goals, indeed! But let’s hold the applause till we see how they are implemented in the coming years.

RAND’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. They’ve been lauded for their focus on mitigating any potential societal consequences of AI and for ensuring that the benefits of these advanced technologies trickle down to everyone. A humble nod of acknowledgment, of course.

Let’s not forget those concerned individuals and groups shaking their heads at the idea of technology taking the steering wheel. The order does a little dance around their worries too, ensuring the AI systems “respect the civil rights, civil liberties, and democratic values of the American people.” Of course, only time will tell if these words translate into actions.

So, here’s a toast to RAND for its behind-the-scenes waltz in drafting policies related to AI’s use. A think tank for AI that’s actually making a difference. Now, that’s a plot twist no one saw coming!

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2023/12/ai-think-tank-rand-played-a-key-role-in-drafting-bidens-executive-order/