-Powered Innovation CES 2024: Prepare for a Wave of AI Innovations

“CES 2024 Preview: Get Ready for a ‘Tsunami’ of AI”

“Deepfake videos. Voice phishing. Even AI writing software. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 hasn’t even started yet, and already it’s clear: this year is going to be a big one for artifical intelligence,” as pointed out by the oracle at ‘WIRED’.

Strap in, folks. It’s going to be a wild ride. Without a shadow of doubt, ancient philosophers would faint at the thought of machines outsmarting them. What would Aristotle think of a machine penning his philosophical treatises? Fancy a version of ‘Metaphysics’ written by an artificial brain? How about Plato discussing ‘The Republic’ with an AI clone? It is remarkable and quite hilarious how deeply artificial intelligence is entrenching itself in every imaginable domain.

Here we are, at the brink of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024, ready to bow down to our AI overlords. As amusing as it is, it is equally terrifying. Remember, we live in a world where deepfake videos are as common as breakfast cereals. And the audience? None the wiser. You can be sipping coffee with Marilyn Monroe or be taking running lessons from Usain Bolt, virtually, of course. Hopefully, you can keep your reality check glasses on.

And let’s not even start with AI writing software. The horror! Shakespeare could be turning in his grave at the mere thought. These AI poets are weaving magic with their words, churning out award-winning novels overnight. Now, isn’t that something that gives the term ‘night owl’ a new meaning?

It’s equally amazing how AI is training its crosshairs on voice phishing. Yes, you heard it right. So much for our Geek Squad advice on not clicking suspicious links. Now, you can’t even trust that ‘personal loan offer’ phone call. Might as well switch to carrier pigeons for communication!

At the end of the day, it’s all a big AI spectacle, with CES 2024 doing the honors of previewing the inevitable future. Jokes aside, it’s worthy of murals and sonnets that humanity has managed to create intelligence other than its own. But with great creation comes great responsibility. It’s all fun and games until someone’s AI pet starts plotting world domination.

Let’s hope that as we ride this colossal AI wave, we remember to paddle our way back to the shore of ethics and human intelligence. Humankind has always known how to set boundaries. Let’s not forget that now when we need it more than ever. Buckle up, everyone. It’s going to be quite a show, courtesy of artificial intelligence.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/ces-2024-preview-a-tsunami-of-ai/