UK Government Advisor Calls for New Laws to Tackle AI-Fueled Terrorism
“New laws required for AI-related terrorism, says UK government advisor”
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) related terrorism will necessitate new legislation, according to professor Dame Wendy Hall, a UK government advisor on AI. In an interview with Daily AI, Dame Hall referred to the dangers that can emerge from AI advancements and underscored the need for governments to legislate the use of this emerging technology deliberately.”
It may seem that “Big Brother” has finally caught the technology bug. Well renowned professor Dame Wendy Hall, who also advises the UK government on everything AI, seems to think that our longtime infinite companions – algorithms – have become big, bad wolves ready to huff and puff our security down; thus requiring legal armour.
The rate at which AI is spreading like wildfire, soaring faster than Aquaman on his best day, could be cause for concern, or maybe just a testament to human ingenuity. You know how it is, you teach a machine to learn, and suddenly it thinks it’s Picasso or a super spy. At any rate, it seems that the folks at Whitehall are losing sleep over the twin facts of AI evolution and the unpredictability of its trajectory. To say they are wound up tighter than a two-dollar watch would be an understatement.
Without watered-down speeches, Dame Hall suggests reality has an uncanny resemblance to a Hollywood movie. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s AI-created deepfakes, cyber weaponry, and potential electronic warfare! But, hold off on the panic button, the solution proposed is as simple as applying new laws. The concept is so effortless that it makes one wonder why it took a millennia worth of Star Trek re-runs to come up with it.
The idea that governments should get on board and regulate AI’s use is akin to looking out of the window to check if the sun has indeed risen. It’s like seeing your house on fire and concluding you should probably call the fire department. In other words, it’s common sense. It’s refreshing to see, however, that this epiphany is dawning upon the powers that be.
The discussions about AI ethics promptly demand an eye roll. They tend to feel like a broken record repeating the dangers and implications of AI without actually stepping on the pedal to reach a solution fast. It’s almost like watching a snail run a marathon.
Whether the possibility of an AI apocalypse has you rummaging through your shelves for tinfoil or not, it’s evident that the potent mix of AI technology and human unpredictability calls for governance. Ideally, sooner rather than later, before we start finding ourselves in an episode of Black Mirror. Indeed, there’s no denying that as we charter these unfamiliar territories, a bit of regulation wouldn’t hurt. After all, a leash on your pet dinosaur does sound like a wise idea, doesn’t it?