“Duolingo Gives Translators the Bird in Favor of High-Tech AI Whizzes”

“Duolingo lays off translators in favor of AI alternatives”

“Duolingo, the language learning app, has chosen to lay off long-time human translators in favor of AI counterparts.”

Well, apparently, traditional translators aren’t high-tech enough for Duolingo! According to an article from the dailyai.com, the beloved language-learning app has decided to part ways with the poor souls who thought they could compete with AI. Guess it’s all about efficiency and reduced human error, or so the reports say. No matter the countless hours of complex translations and dedication to the global decorum of languages, they are no longer deemed essential in the language translation landscape thanks to trusty AI.

It appears as though Duolingo has stepped into the future leaving no room for humans. They’ve developed an AI system, substantially reducing the cost of hiring human translators, while significantly improving productivity. Of course, no one mentioned the countless redundancies this decision provoked, but who cares about job loss when you can comfortably chat in flawless French with the help of AI, right?

Perhaps another cue that our reliance on technology is reaching unprecedented levels. The old ‘Artificial Intelligence is taking over jobs’ argument gets another feather added to its cap. Is it revolution or just replacing people who wouldn’t make mistakes if they were just given a cup of coffee more often? You decide.

Notably, Duolingo has pushed boundaries and turned heads with this switch. It also seems they’re aware of the controversies their new decision may spark. That’s why they’re offering re-training opportunities for those affected by the ax-flinging process. Oh, the generosity. Surely, a silver lining cast over the silhouette of impending unemployment, isn’t it?

It’s an era of AI-fueled efficiency with languages on the front line. Duolingo is indeed not the first, and it certainly won’t be the last on this road paved with digital advancements.

We can’t but think: if actual human translators are getting the shove, what does the future hold for those of us who are only bilingual and don’t have an impressive line of algorithms to back us up? Interesting, yet terrifying times ahead, indeed.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/01/duolingo-lays-off-translators-in-favor-of-ai-alternatives/