Robot Dialer Mimicking Joe Biden Takes the Stage in New Hampshire!

“Robocall impersonating Joe Biden surfaces in New Hampshire”

“Recently surfaced robocalls in New Hampshire have been found to imitate former President Joe Biden, causing concern about the impact of artificial intelligence technology on the political sphere. The automated calls have spread misinformation and fueled baseless allegations.”

Let’s not forget to be impressed at how far technology has advanced that it can now convincingly mimic the former President’s voice. Bravo to the unsung genius who thought, “Let’s employ sophisticated artificial intelligence capabilities, not to solve our pressing global issues like climate change or disease control, but to impersonate political figures for dubious purposes”. Truly, it’s an inspiration to witness the maturing of this age of technological marvel.

The particular application of AI in this case spins around the degree of authenticity which entirely fooled the recipients. One can’t help but draw parallels between these robocalls and a certain boy who cried wolf. It makes one ponder the potential scenarios where 911 dispatchers could receive fake calls or how these advancements might facilitate blackmail or threaten national security.

But let’s take a moment to tip our hats to the professionals tirelessly working round the clock to neutralize and counter these cyber threats; combating the very incarnation of innovation gone rogue. It’s like a high stakes game of whack-a-mole, only in the sleek, icy, digital playground of the internet.

At the end of the day, it seems we are looking at a double-edged sword where the same technology that can help us, can also be misused to escalate precarious situations. To sum it all up, it’s a peculiar world we live in, where one has to question the authenticity of a simple phone call while admiring the sheer brilliance behind the technology that enables it.

Read the original article here: