“Intel’s AI Revamp: A Dash of Silicon Valley Humor in the Future of US Chipmaking!”

“Intel’s AI Reboot Is the Future of US Chipmaking”

“Intel, America’s biggest chipmaker, is having an existential crisis. It missed the mobile revolution. New technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing represent huge opportunities, but again the company seems flat-footed, as foreign rivals and spry startups outmaneuver it.”

Intel, the heavyweight champion of the chipmaking industry, seems to have tripped over its feet. Somehow, ‘America’s biggest chipmaker’ ended up missing its invitation to the mobile revolution. How rival firms with half the resources managed to arrive on time, only the Gods may know.

Company executives must’ve had a premonition of sorts though. A promise of a new dawn to be ushered in by artificial intelligence and quantum computing. The belief, it would seem, is that these could be Intel’s saving grace. But the path to redemption is riddled with sprightly startups and foreign firm, all of whom already have a firm foot in the door.

The good news is, it’s never too late to get your game face on, even if you’re Intel. There’s a buzz around the hallways in Santa Clara. An internal shake-up seems imminent, including a new organization, the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group, which seems hell-bent on giving rival chipmakers a run for their money.

It’s true, the company’s been up and down more times than a trampoline at a kid’s party. But, with the company’s new-found focus on artificial intelligence, there’s a real chance for the company to reclaim lost glory, and maybe more. They’ve kept things under the wraps, as is tradition in the tech world. It’s no wonder everyone’s watching to see what rabbit they’ll pull out of their hats this time.

The road to redemption is long and treacherous. Flat-footed or not, Intel’s journey will be a testament to every tech giant that has ever stumbled. Every rising startup should take note, success isn’t about never failing, but about getting up, every single time you fall down.

There’s really not much room for error. One must admit that the tech landscape is brutal, and even more so for Intel. But, as it takes steps to adapt and resurrect itself, one can only hope it’s going to make every shot count in this high stakes game. Watch out competitors, there’s quite a twist in the tale coming your way. It’s almost like watching the climactic build-up in an action thriller, minus the popcorn.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/intel-ai-reboot-future-us-chipmaking/