Generative AI is Boldly Unapologetic, and I Aspire to Emulate its Audacity!
“Generative AI Is Totally Shameless. I Want to Be It”
“In the beginning, there was the Generative Pretrained Transformer 1, or GPT-1. From the moment OpenAI, a research organization devoted to creating safe AI and ensuring that its benefits are spread broadly, introduced this algorithmic model for natural language processing, the goal was to make computers better at understanding us.” And oh, what a glorious start it was.
Since the dawn of time, err.. the dawn of artificial intelligence, our beloved researchers over at OpenAI have been on a quest to create something seemingly simple yet immensely profound. They didn’t stop at GPT-1, nope. They went right ahead and introduced its more advanced siblings, GPT-2 and GPT-3, greatly turning up the intensity of the computationally powered language understanding dilemma.
Now, you might think, “Well, that sounds splendid!” And indeed, it does. At least until we remind ourselves of the fascinating fact that these models know no bounds. They play no favorites, honor no subtleties, and abide by no moral compass. Set loose on the internet, they happily lift from anyone and anything throwing ‘benefits spread broadly’ to the wind.
Remember that tender sonnet you posted last year during a midnight burst of creativity? Or that deep, angst-ridden prose about existential dread and the fleeting nature of existence? Don’t be surprised if something eerily similar pops up somewhere. Why? Because GPT-3 is totally toothless and shameless.
Our AI’s lack of discretion isn’t exactly new, but things are getting interesting with GPT-3’s capability to pass the Turing test. With an ability to crank out any text-based task you throw at it from crafting tweets to answering emails, its days of pilfering are far from over, adding to a pool of content that continues to grow undisturbed.
While advocates of this incredible technology assure us it’s far from perfect and can’t fully mimic the nuances of human writing, get ready for a future where you might be reading the words of a knock off William Shakespeare with an extra dose of impersonality.
Sure, the prospect of AI-generated text that’s virtually indistinguishable from human writing is thrilling, to say the least. But let’s not forget the question of originality and ownership that lurks in the shadows. Will there be a future where every line written by humans will be cloned by an unassuming AI? Only time will tell. But, until then, keep an eye out for your lovingly crafted words making surprise appearances online.
The tale of human ingenuity continues with AI. Exciting, yes, but also a bit unnerving. However, just like every other technology, it is the usage, not the invention, that ultimately defines its impact. And hey, maybe the advent of GPT-4 (or would it be 5?) will come with a newfound sense of propriety. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
Read the original article here: