Embrace Your Vanity: Instagram Now Allows Custom AI Chatbots, Even Those That Mirror You!

“Instagram Will Let You Make Custom AI Chatbots—Even Ones Based on Yourself”

“Meta is launching a new artificial intelligence research outfit—AI@Meta—that it says marks a renewed emphasis on advancing and centralising AI efforts across the company.”

Mark the calendars and raise the roofs! – Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is taking another gigantic leap into the future with the launch of its new artificial intelligence research unit, AI@Meta. The aim, they say, is to “centralize and advance” their AI efforts. Grimly fascinating to imagine, isn’t it – a world where not only do social media platforms know what color sweater you love but can accurately guess what you’ll want for breakfast tomorrow.

Next up is their ingenuous invention in the form of Instagram chatbots. The project, named “Project CAIRaoke”, stands as an example of their renewed interest in natural language processing. It’s proposed that the chatbot will take something boring, like typing text, (because aren’t we all tired of using our thumbs?) and consider it as a song lyric. The pinnacle of innovation, truly. Although, keep in mind it’s not yet confirmed whether the AI will flip a table if asked to sing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ for the thousandth time!

Diving deeper into the nitty-gritty, the AI has been trained to generate photo-realistic images too. Here’s hoping that that troupe manages better than its cousin from OpenAI, an AI that was supposed to generate pretty pictures of objects it had not previously seen, which turned out to be more hilarious than useful.

Now, a serious word about privacy. Not to cause undue alarm, but, to quote from the original article, “AI@Meta has built a system to ensure employees can’t access user data used to train its AI models.” Yet, it sounds somehow uncanny, doesn’t it? Dial down the shivers. After all, it’s half the fun exploring how these custody settings evolve and stand up over time.

So, there you have it – an update on our good friends over at Meta and their ongoing quest to gradually morph us into living, breathing pixels. To some, a dystopian future. To Meta – a Tuesday. All closing remarks aside, let’s wait and see what this titan of tech has in store for us in their next round of “innovations”.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/meta-ai-studio-instagram-chatbots/