Big Brother Goes Argentine Tango: AI Tapped to Foretell Criminal Capers in Argentina

“Big Brother: Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’”

“Big Brother Argentina is treading an experimental and controversial path, embarking on a technological journey that merges artificial intelligence (AI) with a potential dark side. The hope is that by harnessing AI, the Argentinian Government will be able to predict future crimes.” This excerpt from an article posted on introduces us to a concept that seems like it’s lifted straight out of a sci-fi blockbuster.

Pardon the eye-rolling cliché, but it seems Argentina’s government is going “Minority-Report” on its citizens. Future crimes? Now that’s a whole new realm of conjecture and supposition, streamed right into the government’s AI computing system. given it’s not enough they’re scratching their heads over current crimes, the Argentinian government has now ventured into anticipating criminal activities even before they happen. They do know they’re not mind-readers, right?

There’s a fine line between security and infringement on privacy, and a line that’s perilously easy to cross when artificial intelligence is added into the mix. In theory, predictive policing systems might be efficient. Technology designed to anticipate potential crimes could prevent them from occurring, thus reducing the crime rate and making society safer. However, predicting future crimes with precision is far from a straightforward task. It’s a vast, uncontrollable variable.

Combine this with the fact that taking action based on these predictions could lead to issues of profiling, ethics, and questions as to whether AI technology should indeed play a part in our justice systems. It’s highly controversial to say the least. Privacy advocates have cited concerns about an increase in surveillance and the potential for misuse if this model is adopted. Slippery slope, anyone?

Of course, it’s not like Argentina is pioneering this territory. Other countries have been dabbling in similar exercises with AI, with mixed results. It’s a fascinating thought, the manipulation of artificial intelligence to predict crimes that haven’t even occurred yet. But fantasy and reality don’t always mix well, and that’s potentially what we’re seeing here.

That being said, it will certainly be interesting to watch Argentina dabble in its big brother-esque experiment. Let’s not forget that artificial intelligence, while brimming with potential, is a tool that carries considerable implications when misused or misunderstood. Only time will tell whether the move is a revolutionary breakthrough or a step too far into the labyrinth of surveillance and infringement on privacy rights. Buckle up; it’s going to be a thrilling ride.

Read the original article here: