Google Yanks Debated AI Ad from Olympics Stream, Dodges a Torrent of Critiques with a Dash of Humor

“Google pulls controversial AI ad from Olympics coverage amid backlash”

“The search giant, Google, decided to remove its AI-driven advertisement from the Tokyo Olympics coverage, following a wave of public disapproval rooted in privacy concerns and accusations of human job displacement. The advertisement in question showcased Google’s advancements in Artificial Intelligence, specifically algorithms that can autonomize everything from design to data entry processes.”

So, it’s happened again. Big Tech has found itself in the hot waters of public opinion. This time, the lucky winner is none other than our good friend, Google. During the Tokyo Olympics – an event that was supposedly about celebrating the best in human capabilities – they instead opted to run an advertisement highlighting their latest AI tech.

But don’t worry, it wasn’t an ad about fostering international unity or embodying sportsmanship. Oh no, instead, the ad spotlighted Google’s incredible AI tech, specifically, their keen algorithms that have the potential to make our daily lives an orgy of data entry, design and everything else besides.

The public reaction? Picture pitchforks and torches.

It seems people weren’t too thrilled about this glimpse into an AI-driven future piloted by Google – a future where jobs are as endangered as a snowman in the middle of July. Complaints ranged from privacy concerns to the nightmare scenario of major job loss. Easy to understand concerns really, when you think of being closely monitored by an omniscient AI while your very livelihood could be threatened by this virtual interloper.

So shocked was Google by this backlash that they promptly pulled said ad from the Olympic coverage. One might suppose the purpose was to let the athletes enjoy their 15 minutes of fame without the looming specter of AI taking even that away from them. Aren’t they the considerate ones?

The move underscores the growing disquiet among the populace about AI’s growing influence. In time, maybe we’ll all get used to living in an AI-dominant society – or maybe we won’t. Maybe our future Fiat cars won’t be designed by a fearless AI or maybe they will. Who knows? It’s all speculation at this point.

In the end, one has to acknowledge that Google’s attempt at highlighting AI’s potential was met rather unfavorably. But give them credit for trying. After all, it takes courage – or brazenness – to spotlight a contentious issue during a globally unifying event.

So, let’s raise a glass to Google for their impeccable timing and tact. Something tells us they’re going to need it for their future AI endeavours.

Read the original article here: