Scientific Squad Employ AI Chatbot as Comical Conspiracy Squasher

“Researchers use AI chatbot to change conspiracy theory beliefs”

“Researchers at Cambridge are using artificial intelligence chatbots to try to change people’s beliefs about conspiracy theories. The chatbots, which were designed with machine learning, were used in a study that aimed to reduce belief in conspiracy theories.”

Yes, that’s right folks. Those brilliant minds at Cambridge have moved on from simply informing us about the world, now they aim to shape our thinking through the omnipresent tech of AI chatbots. Sounds like a conspiracy theory itself, doesn’t it?

This unique undertaking relied on AI chatbots, honed through machine learning, as part of a study to put the brakes on how far down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories we’ll go. As if chatbots couldn’t get any more charming, we now get them playing the role of therapist-cum-conspiracy-debunker.

Don’t get too comfortable yet. These chatbots are programmed to use a strategy called “epistemic trust,” which essentially involves building trust in others by establishing a “benevolent-intent.” How sweet! Machine wisdom in full display!

Through a meticulously designed study, participants were fed the popular conspiracy theory about the US government’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Once suitably marinated in conspiracy sauce, the chatbot then shifted its focus to debunk the theory. Oh, the times we live in!

The results were nothing short of impressive. Of the participants who worked with the chatbot, a significant number showed a reduction in their belief in the 9/11 conspiracy theory. And no, that’s not another conspiracy theory.

Just when we thought AI couldn’t get any more influential, it is now being deployed to reshape our thinking. Perhaps it’s time to ask, who is more influential, the thought or the bot reshaping it? Let that brew a little.

Just as a word of caution, while wielding the power of AI to reshape thoughts might sound just dandy, it’s essential to remember that powerful tools are only as benevolent as those who wield them. So, here’s hoping that the power of AI remains firmly locked in the pursuit of the greater good. Or, maybe it’s the job of a future AI chatbot to ensure that.

As long as there’s a steady supply of tin foil for hats, however, perhaps there’s nothing too much to worry about, right?

Read the original article here: