“License Plate Readers: Masterminds Behind a Nationwide Database That Sees Beyond Cars!”

“License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of More Than Just Cars”

“License-plate scanners are nothing new. For decades, law enforcement agencies have used them to help identify stolen vehicles and catch drivers with outstanding warrants. Now a startup called Rekor Systems, which sells license-plate readers to both law enforcement agencies and private companies, is trying to add another layer of surveillance: bumper stickers.”

Oh, bumper stickers. You know, those plastered bits of personality you occasionally see while trailing behind a particularly slow vehicle, a chuckle or smirk playing on your lips. Who knew they’d graduate from being simple ice-breakers to potential informants? Welcome to the brave new world heralded by Rekor Systems, a plucky startup with big dreams of squeezing every drop of data from your commuting habits.

Rekor Systems is on a mission to expand the power of license-plate scanners. That’s right, just when you thought your drive home couldn’t warrant any more scrutiny, these pioneers dare to dream a little bigger. To them, a license plate isn’t enough; they’re keen to delve into the tacit narrative revealed by your choice of bumper adornments. Are you an avid supporter of fair trade coffee or an unashamed cat person? Well, this tech startup is all eyes and ears.

So, how does this tech miracle work? Machine learning enters the ring, ready to decode the unwritten story of your bumper stickers. It examines your political affiliations, causes you champion, and even the rock bands your high school-self hasn’t stopped loving.

Clearly, Rekor Systems doesn’t just dispense license-plate scanners; they dish out omniscient future-tellers. Doubtiful? Don’t be. After all, their algorithms are trained to perceive where human vision fails, and they seem to be doing a jolly good job at it.

Now, onto the big question: Is this even legal? Well, surprisingly, constitutional protections have a blind spot for bumper stickers. So, until the law decides to play catch-up, it looks like we’re all a go.

So, as we raise a toast to this enhanced era of surveillance, remember: your bumper stickers could be whispering tales to place cameras along your commute, feeding data to algorithms about your tastes and ideologies. It’s a glorious age we live in, isn’t it?

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/license-plate-readers-political-signs-bumper-stickers/