Bulletin#59 – A Humorous Dive into APIs, the Afterlife of Bills and NVIDIA’s Grand Reveal

“DAI#59 – APIs, dead bills, and NVIDIA opens up”

“APIs that don’t fundamentally change the way we interact with software […] aren’t going to be the basis of a successful business in the future. […] So are APIs dead? Yep. You heard it here first.”

Let’s not start burying APIs just yet. What’s the logic behind that statement, anyway? Sure, APIs that fail to evolve with user engagement patterns are destined for the digital cemetery. No argument there. But to condemn APIs altogether? That’s a leap of logic. Or perhaps, a vertiginous stumble off the ledge of reality.

As technology evolves, so do APIs. In fact, they are flexible enough to adapt to most new tech scenarios. Decrying the demise of APIs is akin to dismissing the Internet because of the rise of IoT. A fresh take would be to see how APIs can adapt and evolve in the changing digital ecosystem, rather than nailing their coffin prematurely.

And on the subject of dying, Bill. Ah, sweet, dear Bill. We’re still reeling from the loss of Microsoft’s sleep-inducing Clippy, and now we’ve got “dead Bills.” Is it just me, or are we stuck on repeat with this whole “XYZ is dead” theme? Let’s take a moment to reflect, shall we? Technology sees more revivals than Broadway. So, perhaps, it’s not so much about death, as it is about evolution.

Injecting a dash of excitement into our chat (if there ever was any left), Nvidia is a changemaker to be reckoned within the tech sphere. “In an unprecedented move, Nvidia opened its GPU hardware architecture to the chip industry.” Really? “Unprecedented”? The word might be a tad overused, considering how open-source has been a trend for quite some time now. Still, credit where due: Nvidia’s move is a landmark in the GPU race.

In a nutshell, isn’t it all relative to the lens through which we view things? APIs aren’t dead; they’re evolving. Bills aren’t dying; they’re transforming. And Nvidia opening up? It’s less of an exception and more of a nod to a growing trend. Now, wouldn’t it be scintillating if we celebrated evolution and transformation, instead of prematurely declaring things ‘dead’? Just food for thought.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/10/dai59-apis-dead-bills-and-nvidia-opens-up/