Cinematic Wizards Express AI Jitters: Big Tech Casts a Spell of Endless Possibilities

“Filmmakers Are Worried About AI. Big Tech Wants Them to See ‘What’s Possible’”

“AI might replace stunt doubles, better simulate natural phenomena, or replicate deceased actors—it could spell disaster for the Hollywood job market. But maybe filmmakers should consider what is to be gained, rather than what could be lost.” – So goes the narrative in a recent piece on Wired. This sentiment is indeed an ode to the ever-advancing tech world’s growing fascination with artificial intelligence and its eye-opening implications into a space as creative as filmmaking.

Certainly, the idea of AI taking over the job of a stunt double or accurately replicating the nuances of natural dynamic phenomena, such as wind, fire, or water, is impressive—if a little unnerving. It’s as if a roster of Hollywood cast and crew are tiptoeing on a tightrope while a robot stands by the side, ready to take over at the first misstep.

But hey, maybe it’s not all doom and gloom. Perhaps that robot was created by a genius entrepreneur who poured in countless sleepless nights, all out of a desire to push cinematographic boundaries. Painting AI as the villain in this cinematic story reeks of dramatic irony—one must remember that advancements made in technology, be it AI or otherwise, were made by human intellect alone. It’s like biting the hand that feeds; only in this case, the hand is warning the mouth about an impending loss of function.

What lies at the core of this trepidation, however, is resistance to change—a fear of the unknown which only seems amplified in a realm as subjective and fluid as filmmaking. To quote again from the original Wired article, “It could spell disaster for the Hollywood job market.” But isn’t this a shortsighted way of looking at things? AI is not a destroyer per se; instead, it’s a game-changer that opens up new vistas and dimensions in the arena of creativity and storytelling.

So, while filmmakers hesitate, fretting over whether AI will render them obsolete, big tech is reveling in the possibilities. Why? Well, daring to explore the new and unknown is in their DNA, similar to how storytelling is to filmmakers. Therefore, overlooking nihilistic fears and delving into what AI could bring to the table is perhaps the first step towards constructive thinking.

Instead of flashing the disaster warning sign to filmmakers, let’s delve deeper into how AI could enrich the art of storytelling, birth nuanced workflows, and breathe life into creations that until now, resided within the confines of imagination. Maybe then, both big tech and Hollywood can be on the same frame, even if it is square. After all, who said everything had to fit into the box.

Read the original article here: