“Fine-Tune Your AI Podcasts: Google’s NotebookLM Serves Up Personalization!”

“Google’s NotebookLM Now Lets You Customize Its AI Podcasts”

“Google is exploring ways to use AI to create blogs and other written content. It uses a model called Notebook Learning Model (NLM), which has the remarkable ability to create human-like text on a wide range of topics. But this system is not perfect and Google’s AI experts are constantly updating and revising NLM to make its outputs more trustworthy, sensitive, and respectful to users.”

Now, let’s take a moment to marinate in the sweet irony of a tech juggernaut such as Google shaping artificial intelligence to create…well…us. Flipping the script on the traditional human to computer relationship, Google seemingly wants to turn out skilled writers faster than Britain turns out tea cups.

The Notebook Learning Model (NLM) is Google’s Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll—an impressive brute of artificial intelligence capable of churning out human-like text on basically any topic. Yet, as Shakespeare’s Polonius might counsel, “To thine own selves be true”, Google’s wunderkind unfortunately straddles too close to the uncanny valley and often produces text that is more reminiscent of a Missed Connections post on Craigslist than a Pulitzer Prize winning expose.

Still, hats off to Google’s stalwart team of AI experts who are steadfast in their mission to fine-tune and redefine the capabilities of NLM, hoping to elevate it from an assembly line worker to a bona fide Wordsworth. Their goal: crafting content that is trustworthy, sensitive, and respectful to users. In short, to transform NLM from a mere “content bot” to a digital writer with Oscar Wilde-like wit and tact.

Will they pull it off? Only time will tell. If they do, they might very well have created an AI that could probably rewrite this very blog post―Hopefully, with a little less sarcasm. For now, gather around literati, hold on to your Moleskine notebooks, your job isn’t redundant just yet. Perhaps, the time is ripe to negotiate that pay raise, while the robots are still learning the ropes.

Meanwhile, dear readers, remain confident in the knowledge that this post remains free from the robotic grasp of Google’s NLM, and instead was lovingly crafted by a human, full of flawed grammar, occasional sarcasm, and enough references to make even the most well-read bibliophile smirk.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/google-notebooklm-customize-ai-podcast/