Expect a Generational Leap: AI Morphing into an All-Inclusive Business Strategy

“AI Will Evolve Into an Organizational Strategy for All”

“To do anything at all complex, any system of artificial intelligence signals must wrap around a cultivated culture. For humans, this cultivation starts the moment we’re born, or even earlier. For AI, it’s an ongoing collaboration that runs the gamut from teaching simple phrases to comprehensive on-the-job training.”

Comprehensive, from birth. How picturesque! Here, Wired brings us a delicious metaphor likening AI training to the human process of maturation. “Cultivated culture” indeed.

Seems now we’re obligated to extend sick leaves and paid vacations as the growth process for these “newborn” AIs, rolling out the red carpet, from teaching them their “ABCs”, to effectively holding their “hands” on their first day on the job. Motherhood and apple pie, anyone?

The highlighted notion here is that AI can’t master complex tasks without understanding the unique culture of a specific organization, as if it’s not already bewildering enough attempting to decipher workplace jargon mixed with memes and pop culture references for our human workforce.

Imagine this scenario: An AI “baby” being “nursed” to comprehend the labyrinth of your company’s Slack channel. An absorbing assignment, no doubt. After all, these neural network “infants” are faster learners and don’t cry during late-night coding sessions. An upgrade to their diaper function, anyone?

Moving back to Wired’s endearing birth metaphor, apparently, the cradle-to-grave cultivation doesn’t stop at basic training. Indeed, to be truly effective, it’s vital for an organization to keep evolving the AI model based on ongoing performance data, again invoking images of parent-teacher meetings and progress reports. It’s almost like watching AI grow from infancy to adulthood.

While these contemplations might strain our human sentiments a touch, they are, nonetheless, telling of the commitment required to raise an AI. A far cry from the plug-and-play devices we’d imagined AI to be not so long ago.

Call it nature. Call it nurture. When it comes to the AI creed, it’s genuinely a collaborative process. Digital “parenting”, as it were, is a shot at redefining organizational strategy and work culture. Just remember, even these supposed omniscient AIs are still figuring it out. Bit by byte, one processing error at a time.

Feel free to stock up on digital pacifiers and motherboard blankets. It’s bound to be a fascinating ride. Now, anyone up for some coding lullabies?

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/artificial-intelligence-work-organizational-strategy/