When Generative AI Challenges Climate Change: A Comedy of Errors in Progress

“Generative AI and Climate Change Are on a Collision Course”

“Meet the latest climate villain: These innocuous-looking server farms are pumping carbon dioxide into the air as fast as 140 coal-fired power plants. That’s because, as AI gets smarter, the machines learning from them are growing brainier—and hungrier for energy.”

Oh, how the tables have turned! Modern leviathans aren’t deep-sea monsters, but rather elusive data centers guzzling away the planet’s energy at an alarming pace. Yes, you heard it right: your innocuous-looking Google search is causing as much pollution as a small city. Sneaky, isn’t it?

But surely, they’re working on this, right? Well, the so-called “solutions” may be as laughable as the problem is grave. From powering these beasts by renewable energy—which is akin to attempting to provide water supply to a city by collecting rainfall—to immersing servers in fluid to cool them down, the supposed fixes seem to model the latest science fiction novel rather than offering practical, real-world solutions.

The grand kicker in this whole scenario? The excessive energy consumption isn’t just due to the countless cat videos and viral memes circulating the internet. The real culprit, it seems, is the novelty of AI and its ever-increasing intelligence. Because as AI grows, it’s not only getting brainier, it’s also becoming greedier, just like humans. Oh, the irony!

While AI’s cognitive capabilities are often lauded, no one seems to mention the elephant in the room—its monstrous appetite for power. Generative models are the new kids on the block, with the jaw-dropping ability to generate everything from deepfake videos to AI art. Yet, they achieve this at the frightening expense of churning out carbon dioxide on a scale akin to major industrial powerhouses.

As we get carried away in the digital revolution, it seems we’re conveniently sidelining its contribution to climate change. However, glossing over this issue won’t make it disappear. Very much like the embarrassing results of those late-night online shopping sprees, the consequences eventually will come home to roost.

In conclusion, these carbon-spewing data centers aren’t just villains—they’re super-villains. With the very technology we rely on for everything from doorbell cameras to stock trading predictions, we’re ironically pushing our planet to the brink.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/true-cost-generative-ai-data-centers-energy/