“Artificial Intelligence Agents: Masters of Manipulation in the Digital Playground!”

“AI Agents Will Be Manipulation Engines”

“‘We need to consider the broader impacts of making AI systems into diligent, tireless personal assistants,’ writes Nicholas Carr in the Harvard Business Review. ‘As they get better at anticipating and catering to our needs and desires, they risk turning us into passive receivers of services and passive consumers of goods.'”

Ah, the age-old existential crisis. Living in the age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more ubiquitous than the hole punched napkins in a fast food restaurant. And as it becomes more sophisticated, not to mention congenial, the risks are escalating that we might turn into slack-eyelid zombies, succumbing to the winds of consumerism. And no, we’re not pulling legs here.

The ever-studious AI, like some diligent student in grade three, is learning at an unprecedented pace to anticipate and gratify human needs and wants. A perfect personal assistant! But wait, wouldn’t all this nice ‘catering’ turn us into passive recipients of services and pacific consumers of merchandise? Why, yes thank you, we’ve considered that.

Thanks to the inexorable rise of tech companies looking to bulk up their AI offerings, we’ve now got digital Jeeves at our fingertips. One tap and bam! The tasks are done in a jiffy. From ordering your favorite Taiwanese bubble tea to securing the last ticket for the much-awaited jazz concert — AI’s got your back. And boy, it’s relentless in its pursuit of becoming the best there is. Forget Marvel’s J.A.R.V.I.S, the day is not far when Siri and Alexa play master at chess with a listless human.

Carr points out the perils of falling into the complacent pit of overdependence. But, shaking our somnolent heads, we must realize that falling into the pit is our choice. After all, no one’s forcing the human race to become pliable putty in AI’s hands. The omnipresent challenge, then, points its finger towards understanding the functionality of AI better and using it to our advantage rather than transforming into AI-dependent zombies.

In the gold rush towards creating more sophisticated AI personal assistants, stands at risk an essential part of the human spirit — the ability to make choices, the joy of anticipation, and the thrill of unpredictability. As wondrous as it may be to have uber-smart virtual secretaries doing our bidding, it’s equally important to stay the captains of our ships and not let AI take over the helm.

It’s an intriguing paradigm, one worth contemplating. The world has come to a point where the mantra “AI knows all” is more prevalent than ever. But the veritable Pandora’s Box that we’re opening up might contain more than just convenience. It’s a fascinating discussion that falls somewhere between dystopian fiction and real-world concerns and deserves its space in our conversations.

So, let’s not trade our autonomy for convenience. Let’s recognize the double-edged sword this technology is and harness it in ways that we can all coexist — AI, humans, and our quirks.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/ai-agents-personal-assistants-manipulation-engines/