“The Unique Tale of AI in ‘Her’: A Fairy Tale for the Ages”

“In the Age of AI, ‘Her’ Is a Fairy Tale”

“’Her’ may seem like a love story between a man and an operating system, but it’s really a film about how we use technology to extinguish loneliness. Whether it’s by texting people we never see or by falling in love with a computer program, we’re using tech to battle that most human of feelings—loneliness.”

“Her” – a film that takes emotional turbulence to a new level where an individual gets infatuated with an AI (artificial intelligence) operating system. Who would have ever predicted this as the most epic tech-love story ever? This isn’t just a quirky spin on the captivating romance genre; instead, it’s an in-depth introspection into the ways we leverage infinite technology to shield ourselves from the stinging pain of isolation.

Doesn’t it sound eerily familiar? Oh, it’s not because you’ve recently tumbled into the abyss of AI romance, but due to the simple fact of acknowledging the role of technology in eliminating the troubling gaps of solitude. Whether it’s staying glued to your smart device to maintain contact with “disembodied” pals or plunging head first into a love affair with a string of computer code—technology stands at the forefront in our battle against this very human condition—loneliness.

Apparently, in a bizarre turn of events, this film doesn’t merely depict romantic feelings for a computer program—mind you, not a very relatable situation for most—but expertly dots the bitter-sweet line of intermingling technology with our emotions. In other words, it underscores the somewhat desperate plea to our handheld devices to blot out distress and opens up a deeper discourse on how technology alters our relationships with people, or the lack thereof.

Interestingly, this clever piece of cinema ensures the fusion of two ostensibly disparate streams—art and technology—and analyzes the potential consequences that ripple through our societies. On the tenth anniversary of “Her,” it’s time to ponder upon our own intricate relationship with AI and how it will streamline our companionships and emotions in the years to come.

Given the complexities that underpin our ongoing relationship with technology, “Her” nudges us to ask the right yet awkward questions. Maybe it’s time to dive beneath the superficial glamour of technological advancements and scratch around its true implications for our emotional well-being. Is there a future where digital love-tangles become a “trendy norm”? Only time will tell.

So remember, while advanced AI can certainly make life easier, they are crafted by human intellect. Relationships—be it with fellow humans or digital beings—are always a two-way street. No one-sided effort (or computer program) can completely obliterate the quintessentially human experience of loneliness. Good thing or not, we’ll leave for you to decide.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/spike-jonze-her-10-year-anniversary-artificial-intelligence/