Opportunities Abound: Google Offers 30,000 AI-Powered Job Openings

“30,000 Google jobs at risk as AI replaces ad sales staff”

“Roughly 30,000 advertising sales positions at tech giant Google could be automated by artificial intelligence in the coming years, as the company works towards a ‘leaner’ business model that’s less reliant on human workers.”

This is the ice-cold glass of reality that gets served to human AD sales staff at Google recently. Apparently, the big tech giant has had a eureka moment to replace tens of thousands of its advertising sales positions with AI. Somebody thought why pay people for something we can get AI to do for nothing! A nugget of innovation there!

In their new ‘leaner’ vision, Google decided that, hey, who needs human workers when you have algorithms. So they’re prepping up the guillotine for their AD sales staff because human interaction is apparently overrated and way cheaper when done by machines. Seriously, health benefits, social security, and all that jazz, who needs that when an AI system works 24/7 without asking for a sick leave!

Coming years could witness 30,000 positions getting the ax, all thanks to this dream of automation. It’s like the universe evening the score, because, you know, it was us, the human race, who made AI so smart and self-sufficient. Now, the same AI threatens job security, funny, isn’t it?

Although, it’s scary, there’s a silver lining. Analysts suggest that this development could open up new opportunities for workers in design and programming roles. Yes folks, while one door closes at Google, another one might just creak open.

In conclusion, it’s safe to say that it would be interesting to watch Google play this game out. They’re not going to let the inevitable automation of major job roles rain on their parade, not even a bit, it seems. So, if you are a Google AD sales employee, maybe it’s time to second guess your role at Google. You either ‘code’ or gets coded out by the ruthless AI.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2023/12/30000-google-jobs-at-risk-as-ai-replaces-ad-sales-staff/