AI Could Hinder Your Job Search–But Not Replace You!

“AI May Not Steal Your Job, but It Could Stop You Getting Hired”

“In the future, Schellmann predicts, ‘companies are going to assess everything we do and say… They will not know us as people, just as a set of data points. Something humane gets lost when we let AI decide who gets the job and who doesn’t. We are more than the sum of our LinkedIn profile updates.’”

While there’s no denying the prowess of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how about we chitchat on hiring processes and AI? In her book, Hilke Schellmann presents a quite pondering thought-provoking scenario – let a machine decide who’s fit for a job and a human isn’t assessing anymore. Hilarious and a tad petrifying, right?

According to companies championing this thrilling wild ride of innovation, what better way to eliminate bias, increase efficiency, and streamline the recruiting process than to let a bunch of algorithms crunch numbers? After all, humans are complicated creatures known for their unpredictability, biases, and coffee breaks. So, taking them out of the equation seems like a modern-day solution to age-old problems.

Sounds promising enough until we, you know, dig a bit deeper. Schellmann artfully points out that by reducing a person to merit points in a data sheet, something sacred – something human – gets lost. It’s like neglecting the delight of savoring a gourmet dinner and instead, choosing to survive on vitamin pills. Sure, those pills tick off all your nutritional requirements, but where’s the joy in that?

The thing about exclusively relying on AI in evaluating a candidate’s suitability for a job is it fails to appreciate the nuances that make each individual unique. Carefully worded resumes could hide a host of issues, while a less than stellar profile might conceal potential brilliance. Job experience and qualifications can be quantified, yes, but what about determination, creativity, enthusiasm? Harder to pin down, but absolutely crucial in a successful employee.

Integration of AI in recruitment is definitely a technological marvel not to be dismissed. However, when job decisions are solely left to algorithms and data sheets, the prospect becomes as exciting as smearing mayonnaise on a jelly sandwich. Let’s not forget the human in human resources just yet; after all, AI can’t put a value on the spark in an applicant’s eye or the passion in their voice. And trying to do that – doesn’t it smack of trying to teach poetry to a toaster?

So, here’s to hoping companies paying AI to do their hiring remember this, before their offices are crammed with humanoids incessantly crunching numbers but lacking the human touch that innovation needs. Because at the end of the day, we are more than just a set of data points, no matter what trendy, futuristic tech might suggest.

Read the original article here: