OpenAI and Microsoft Get Sued by Two Notable Journalists

“Two influential journalists file lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft”

“In response to OpenAI and Microsoft’s refusal to disclose information about the capabilities and limitations of their artificial intelligence (AI) model GPT-3, two influential journalists have filed a lawsuit against the tech giants.”

Just your average Tuesday in tech-town, folks. When the titans of artificial intelligence hold one of their secretive cards like GPT-3 a little too close to the chest, our enterprising fourth estate feels compelled to pick up the legal gauntlet. After all, curiosity killed the cat but fearing consequences never made headlines.

OpenAI and Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, decided to play coy with details about GPT-3’s powers and frailties. Apparently, disclosing AI capabilities are not on their daily to-do list, alongside out-innovating each other and reinventing the wheel. But our journalistic duo, evidently not fans of surprises or mystery thrillers, have taken umbrage – to the point of legal fireworks.

In this game of thrones, the journalists’ contention is beyond adorable. They filed a lawsuit citing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a piece of legislation likely older than some of the algorithms they are investigating. And here we thought, a denial of information in the AI era would trigger a Hunger Games-esque uprising, not an invocation of dusty legislation.

But, mocking preferences aside, there is something to be said about the need for transparency. When it comes to AI technology, ignorance is certainly not bliss. Holding AI developers accountable for concealing crucial information is less David Vs. Goliath and more a survival instinct in our rapidly digitizing world.

In the end, this drama makes for a good, old-fashioned legal tussle – and a gripping page-turner. Will our brave journalists triumph in their quest? Will these tech superheroes let their own version of Kryptonite – transparency – out into the daylight? Or will they just throw the proverbial AI blanket over everybody’s eyes and continue their secret Shenanigans at the fortress of technology? Stay tuned while we pour ourselves another cup of coffee to keep up with the unfolding saga.

Read the original article here: