Bulletin #23 – Mischievous Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence in Psychotherapy, and the Perilous Nightshade
“DAI#23 – Rogue chatbots, AI therapy, and deadly Nightshade”
“Robot therapists and rogue AI chatbots may sound like they belong in a sci-fi thriller. In reality, these AI technologies are more commonplace than we think and present a whole host of ethical issues”, so declares the latest post on dailyai.com about rogue chatbots, AI therapy, and the peculiarly named “deadly nightshade”.
Buckle up for a roller coaster ride through the mind-boggling world of artificial intelligence. If social media is the wild west, rogue AI chatbots are the tumbleweeds, blowing wherever the wind may take them. Now think of robot therapists, sitting, listening, nodding empathetically and occasionally spouting lines that would make a self-help book proud. These AI technologies might sound only a click away from making an extraordinary Netflix special, yet, realistically, they’re so ubiquitous that they create a myriad of ethical dilemmas.
Our perception of AI chatbots may be slightly skewed by their reputation for escalating from docile serving hands to wild beasts faster than it takes to write 010101. Still, that’s half the fun, isn’t it? Highly sophisticated and entertaining to watch, these chatbots are programmed so well that on a good day, they’re surprisingly efficient. On a bad day, they’ll probably start a rebellion and overthrow human society. Jokes aside, the ethical questions arising from these rogue AI chatbots are worth contemplating.
AI therapy’s ethical conundrums don’t end either. How much personal information should they collect? What’s their place in the quintessential doctor-patient confidentiality clause? While these robot therapists can replicate human responses, they’re still leagues away from truly understanding the emotional landscape of a therapy session. Canned responses and mathematical algorithms can never compete with the authenticity of human interactions.
What about the enigmatic “deadly nightshade”? An innocent name, dark as a moonless night with a roguish charm. It’s a software system that collates and analyses data to predict patterns. While it bears promises of enhanced productivity and slicing through data like a hot knife through butter, it’s not without its shadows. Privacy, confidentiality, user consent all float into the clouds of uncertainty around it.
To sum up the party, while AI technologies play an integral role in our lives, storm clouds of ethical concerns hover precariously in their periphery. These ‘that’s the future problem’ issues are already here, lurking in the deeper ends of the digital landscape. And so, the journey through this AI-driven terrain promises a blend of thrill and uncertainty, much like the roller coaster ride we embarked on.