Study Warns: AI Potentially Preparing a ‘YOU’RE FIRED’ Memo for 8 Million UK Jobs!
“Report: AI “worst-case scenario” could see 8m UK jobs lost”
“In an apocalyptic scenario, artificial intelligence (AI) could be responsible for the loss of over 8 million jobs in the UK, warns a recent report by London-based think tank, the Daily AI. On the flip side, should AI platforms be developed and utilised efficiently, the results may just fall on the other extreme end of the spectrum.”
If you believe everything you read, it seems artificial intelligence (AI) is set to either have us all jobless or return us to the age of enlightenment. Yes, life is about to get very “James Cameron’s Terminator” or we might just stumble into a Jetsons-like utopia, thanks to the tragedy or triumph of AI.
In rather typical pessimist fashion, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of that potentially catastrophic outcome first. As the think tank Daily AI so kindly brought to our attention, AI could spell doom for over 8 million jobs in the UK alone. These digital android upstarts might take over everything from your financial advising job to your post of store manager. As for the dreamers amongst us clinging to our creative safe havens, graphic designers, writers, musicians, behold, AI may infringe on your turf too.
But, before you start practicing your best “I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords” speech, let’s look on the bright side of the AI equation – because there has to be one. Should these AI platforms be developed and leveraged in a more efficient and considerate manner, we might just get to enjoy the fruits of an entirely new digital environment.
Playing the optimist’s card, AI, instead of ruthlessly grabbing your job, could well turn up to be a catalyst for the creation of novel job roles. Imagine a world where we are not threatened by AI, but coexisting, even thriving, with it. Where automation takes away the drudgery of work, paving way for more intellectually stimulating endeavours. This isn’t a mere utopian dream but a highly probable future, provided we harness AI in a more balanced and strategic manner.
And there you have it; the double-edged sword that is AI, which is either terminally catastrophic or boldly progressive, depending on who you speak to. It’s a grey area with numerous variables, assumptions, and projections floating around, leaving an interesting conversation open for debate. Whether AI ends up being our undoing or our saviour, only time will truly tell. One thing’s for sure though, we’re certainly in for an interesting ride.