“Will Artificial Intelligence Become the Stand-Up Comedian for Non-Player Characters?”
“Is AI the Future of NPCs?”
“The previous generation of game designers engineered experiences and plot points directly into their games. By the rules of the old system, if you wanted to go that way and see that thing, the individuals who created the game had to handcraft and build it in. You had no choice. But in a ‘Procedural Generation’ game, you, the player, make those decisions for yourself. Based on the rules of the game, you get to decide where you go and what you get to see. And it’s not just scenery—these can include plots, characters, entire civilizations.” (source: WIRED)
Imagine being stuck in a world where every choice is predetermined, where every plot twist is as predictable as the setting of the sun. Sounds a tiny bit dismal, right? That’s essentially the norm for past generations of gaming, where the only surprises were reserved for pinpoint plot twists devised by the game creators themselves. Thrilling? Not particularly. But hey, don’t despair! Lend your ears (or rather, your eyes) to a new gaming revolution – ‘Procedural Generation’.
Procedural Generation, brilliant in its concept, promises a world where every gamer is essentially a demiurge, a mini-creator in their own right. Now, if that doesn’t sound intriguing, perhaps a visit to an optometrist might be overdue. Not only does it bestow the power to explore any uncharted territory our little gamer hearts desire, but it also grants the ability to craft detailed plots and complex characters. So, essentially, the game designers give you the canvas, and you, the Picasso of the virtual world, paint your own universe.
The catch? There isn’t one. Well, unless you count Artificial Intelligence (AI) potentially taking over the world as a minor hiccup. Because yes, this revolutionary upgrade can be largely credited to the wonders of AI. But don’t cower under that blanket just yet, because it’s not what you might think. Rather than Artificial Intelligence transforming into a Skynet of sorts, AI in gaming is geared towards creating ‘non-player characters’ or NPCs that are futuristic and as intelligent as your overzealous neighbor claiming to be a rocket scientist.
In this brave new world, AI doesn’t stop at just spoon-feeding the ability to determine the surrounding scenery. Instead, it plunges deep into the abyss of ‘chance’ and ‘probability’. Complex algorithms now determine plot-lines based on statistics and random number generation, opening doors to an entirely new dimension.
And just when you think it can’t get any more impressive, enter entire civilizations under the might of your fingertips. That’s right, folks. Now it’s not just about directing a single character through a pre-decided narrative, but managing a whole universe, complete with its own AI-backed citizens. Talk about a power trip!
So, here’s to the wonderful unpredictability and freedom that this new wave of AI-infused gaming sensation brings to our screens! The old system can make way for this new era where manoeuvring through the complexities of a game goes hand in hand with creating and understanding their power of choice. Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen. The gaming world is about to spin on its axis, and it’s thanks to the seamless blend of AI and procedural generation. Yes, you can say thank you later!