DeepMind Educates Robotic Soccer Athletes on the Art of Kicking, Tackling and Defending – Goal!

“DeepMind train robot soccer players that kick, tackle, and defend”

“DeepMind’s researchers train robots to play football – they can now kick, tackle and defend just like human players”, puts across the article posted on Daily AI. Now, whether it’s a blessing or a curse that our silicon counterparts are mastering the “beautiful game”, is yet to be determined.

So, DeepMind, the cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) lab, is adding yet another fascinating achievement to its repertoire. Their newest endeavour? Training robots to reenact Maradona’s “Hand of God” minus the hand and plus some legit footwork.

The headline stirs excitement, if not a little existential dread. It speaks of how these astounding mechanical hobbyists are our new representations on the football field. The London-based AI firm is selling an image of trained robots, all primed to dabble in some “jogo bonito”.

Dive deeper into the details and be prepared for double the bemusement. The robots don’t just know how to aimlessly boot a ball around. Oh no, they are a significant leap above this, with a deep understanding of teamwork and strategies. To give you an accurate picture, imagine an opera of mechanical Beethovens precisely choreographing a symphony of passes and volleys.

These evolving cyber athletes are also hell-bent on mastering the delicate art of defending. No, not hurling themselves into anything that moves, which seems to be a widely accepted football tactic these days. The AI-mediated machines are taking the high road, learning to intercept passes effectively and positioning themselves aptly to block shots on the goal. All while maintaining superhuman stamina and precision, naturally.

The researchers at DeepMind have been toiling at this technology, using reinforcement learning to train their athletes-in-metal. The process basically involves countless iterations of trial and error, where the robot learns to better its game with each attempt aka the most expensive foosball match you’ve ever seen.

The implications of this development are manifold and not just limited to revolutionizing robot soccer leagues. The fact that these AI heavyweights comprehend complex strategies, mimic human behavior and learn from mistakes points towards substantial advancements in robotics and AI.

Nevertheless, let’s just hope these tech-enabled athletes keep on the sportsman’s spirit and don’t take the phrase ‘breaking the opponent’s defense’ a little too literally. Yes, DeepMind, we’re looking at you.

Read the original article here: