DAI#50 – Fiscal Fiascos, Meta’s Magnanimous Giveaways, and the Artificial Intelligence Legal Lockdowns

“DAI#50 – Cash crunch, Meta freebies, and AI legal shutdowns”

“Already in 2024, it looks like the tech world is having a minor meltdown. We have cash-hungry metaverse startups bleeding money, AI-powered legal platforms being shut down, and tech giants like Apple and Amazon doling out freebies like candy at Halloween.”

Apparently, the tech world decided to throw itself an impromptu pity party in 2024. It seems the metaverse startups, once flushed with investor cash, have realized that creating an entire universe is a tad bit pricey. Their fantasy-land construction projects seem to be hemorrhaging money faster than a slot machine at a Vegas casino. Word to the wise: If you’re going to invent a new reality, make sure you can afford it.

And on the topic of affording things, what’s happening with our AI-infused legal platforms? Is Skynet finally deciding that being a lawyer was just too tedious? It’s not like they were practicing constitutional law or anything. Probably best not to build a business on the assumption that technology will always love doing our grunt work.

Meanwhile, Santa Claus came early this year courtesy of a few tech giants. Apple and Amazon, two corporations not exactly renowned for their philanthropy, have started to casually throw around freebies. Are they hoping for good karma, or maybe it’s just happy hour at the corporate headquarters? Either way, they’re acting like kids who found their parent’s wallet and now they’re buying ice cream for everybody.

While the tech companies must navigate these upheavals, it seems we bystanders can only sit back and watch the melodrama unfold. But hey, pass the popcorn because this year is shaping up to be an interesting one in the world of tech. Whether they’ll recover from their faux pas or not remains to be seen, but at least in the meantime, we’re getting some freebies and a good laugh out of it.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/08/dai50-cash-crunch-meta-freebies-and-ai-legal-shutdowns/