“Thwarting AI’s Hunger: Expert Tips on Keeping Your Data Off the AI Training Menu”

“How to Stop Your Data From Being Used to Train AI”

“Most AI algorithms are trained on gobs of data, like thousands of photos, voice recordings, or notes. It has to come from somewhere — and a lot of times, it’s from unwitting social media users. If you don’t like that idea, there are some ways you can prevent your data from being used.”

Above, sums up the stinging reality of our hyper-connected era in which artificial intelligence (AI) is feasting upon the deluge of our personal data. Ah, the irony of tech progress, right?

Now, assuming there’s a twinge of discomfort tickling within the confines of your privacy-conscious mind, isn’t it reasonable to figure out how to keep your data off the AI training menu? Of course, it’s no cakewalk, but we can give it our best shot.

To start with, consider creating some digital noise. Confuse the devil out of AI algorithms by feeding them incorrect or misleading information. Send them on a wild goose chase with fake birthdates or address details – the goal here is to make your data unappetizing as a protein shake after a dental surgery.

Next on the to-do list involves maintaining multiple online identities. Now, this isn’t an encouragement to spin webs of deception. Instead, it’s about constructing diverse online personas, making it hard for AI models to accurately profile you. Think of it as being an undercover agent in the digital world.

Remember those pesky cookie pop-ups that interrupt your web surfing? Time to pay them mind. Regularly clear cookies, or better yet, consider using browsers that respect your privacy and do not track your activity.

Mindful use of communication tools such as email is also pertinent. Wistfully looking at the premium email services that promise zero data tracking? It might just be worth it.

But be warned! This is the footprints on a shore approach. Each wave erases a little bit more, and the tide is relentless. Technology companies continue to devise clever ways to track and store your data for AI training, but every small step you take helps.

Remember, it’s not about going full-caveman and shunning all tech. Rather, it’s about being smarter, more informed, and strategic with your online presence. The goal isn’t to starve AI of all data; it’s to prevent your own from being the main course.

So, gear up for this digital cat-and-mouse chase where you’re the elusive cheese the AI algorithms are relentlessly after. This time, be the smarter mouse outsmarting not the cat, but an entire team of bright AI researchers from Silicon Valley. Good luck, because you’re going to need it!

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-stop-your-data-from-being-used-to-train-ai/