“Getting AI Safety Back on Track Despite Tight Budgets”.

“America’s Big AI Safety Plan Faces a Budget Crunch”

“Last July, the White House unveiled its grand plan to protect America from the dangers of artificial intelligence. The report, called ‘The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan,’ was more than 50 pages of high-minded rhetoric with real purpose: to define the future of American AI.”

If anyone thought the new age of robots would bring a brave new world of government funding, the sobering realization has quickly set in – begging for money in Silicon Valley may be easier. Not to underestimate the grand eloquence of a government report, but when it comes to the execution part, it seems like “The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan” might possibly register a solid ‘meh’ on the interest scale.

Reading between the lines of a 50-page report sprinkled with lofty promises, it becomes clear that while there’s plenty of enthusiasm for AI, the enthusiasm for actually funding it is suspiciously lacking. The road to AI domination, it seems, is chock-full of budgetary obstacles and, let’s be real, a glaring lack of dollar signs.

No doubt, the Plan is brimming with well-intentioned ideas on artificial intelligence safety, foreseeing a future where AI technology is ethically aligned and socially responsible, direct from robotic utopia. But good intentions don’t pay the bills, do they?

Now, when confronted with a reality that comprises juggling between prioritization and availability, trade-offs become inevitable. It’s all fun and games until the financial realities wedge themselves into the narrative, then the bureaucratic nightmare ensues. Cue a vicious cycle of ‘AI Winter’ fears – longer development times, decreased investor confidence, slowed technological advances. All this thanks to a curious lack of – drum roll – money!

Turns out, governmental policy writing can be a groundbreaking revelation of administrative apathy toward executing its own promises. And so, despite the noble ambitions of the Plan, the path forward remains less than clear, thanks to a classic conundrum of modern governance – great vision, scarce resources, and perhaps an oversight in value for execution.

But hey, at least the report looks shiny on the bookshelf. Meanwhile, the AI industry will continue to cha-cha with the dance of haphazard funding, hoping the melody turns more favorable in future. After all, the technologists are here to innovate while the bureaucrats are busy justifying the ‘mightier’ allocations of the federal budget.

Such is the plight of America’s AI safety – hostage to the whims of cumbersome fiscal planning and a grim reminder of the classic “put your money where your mouth is” adage – turns out, it’s applicable even in the realm of cutting-edge technology.

Dare to dream, sure. But remember to bring your wallet.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/americas-ai-safety-plan-budget-crunch/