CES 2024: Brace Yourself for an AI Tsunami!

“CES 2024 Preview: Get Ready for a ‘Tsunami’ of AI”

“In a sea of flashing lights and buzzing gizmos, the truth of CES 2024 comes into focus: It’s not about the drones. It’s not even about technology, really. It’s about artificial intelligence.”

Well, isn’t that a thrilling discovery? Amidst the neon glitz and gadgetry gluttony that is CES 2024, there emerges a single, bone-chilling reality – an AI tsunami. That’s right, apparently it’s not about the drones, or even about the technology as a whole. Nope, it’s all about artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, the golden child of the 21st century, has stolen the spotlight yet again. Give it a round of thunderous applause, will you? C’mon, don’t be shy. It seems like an eternity since when AI was but an infant concept buried in the manuscripts of science fiction. And look at it now, all grown up and stealing the show. It turns out CES 2024 isn’t a gadget gala, but rather, it’s an AI exhibition.

Yes, we’re talking about the machines that learn, adapt and supposedly get smarter with every passing nanosecond. Adorable, isn’t it? They’re designed to handle those tiresome tasks you dread doing. Whether it’s predicting next week’s weather in complete accuracy (because why would meteorologists go to school?), or preparing that excel report faster than you can say ‘pivot table’. Yes, artificial intelligence is poised to do it all.

But hold on. Aren’t we forgetting something here? AI is only as brilliant, as intelligent, and as ‘artificial’ as we make it. It’s a puppet dancing on the strings of human programming. It’s a mirror reflecting our fancies and fears, ambitions and apathies.

So, while AI basks in the flashy fireworks of CES 2024, let us take a moment here to pay homage to the real brains behind the operation, human intelligence. Because, without it, AI is just another acronym.

In conclusion, CES 2024 might have been an AI fest, but let’s remember that it’s our magnificent brains that brought it to life in the first place. Despite the sarcasm, no one can deny the sheer power and potential of AI. But lest we forget the marvel of human intelligence, which, in comparison, makes AI look like a school science fair project.

Read the original article here: https://www.wired.com/story/ces-2024-preview-a-tsunami-of-ai/