Wizards of the Coast Accused of Turning to Artificial Intelligence for Magic: The Gathering Artwork

“Creators of Magic: The Gathering accused of using AI-generated imagery”

“Recently, an unusual art scandal has descended on the quiet world of Magic: The Gathering. It seems some fans of the popular game have accused its maker, Wizards of the Coast, of using art that wasn’t exactly handcrafted. Instead, they say, it was created by artificial intelligence.”

Ah, the technological scandals of our time. In another baffling episode of ‘Robot Apocalypse Now?’, the creators of Magic: The Gathering – an apparently peaceful retreat from the real world for fantasy lovers – have been charged with an unthinkable crime. Horror of horrors, they’ve been alleged to have employed the unfeeling, cold efficiency of artificial intelligence to generate art for their eminent card game.

Now, before jumping to conclusions, remember that this isn’t a court of law exactly. No Brewster should be serving coffee to Eldrazi titans just yet – the accusations stand without proven eye-witness accounts or tangible evidence. Still, the fans are holding their magnifying glasses high, peering suspiciously at the reported unevenness of the artwork and finding clear hints of AI influence. The fact that Wizards of the Coast denied stating that their artists strictly use traditional methods to create artwork suggests, as perceived by fans, a tacit admission of incorporating AI into their modus operandi.

Typically, if a dispute of this nature arises in the art world, the dilemma revolves around copyright infringement, the unoriginality of ideas or forbidden replication. Such disputes are as old as the genre, often occurring in the realm of music, literature and, of course, visual arts. But, a potential ‘AI-crafted scandal’ in a fantasy trading card game expands the horizon of art controversies into refreshing, albeit, bizarre new territories.

Screenshots of comparisons between the suspicious Magic art and a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate images of fantastical beings were displayed as supposed ‘proof’. Could it be that the savory umami of AI-generated imagery has been sneakily mixed into the pot of Magic: The Gathering illustrations, deceiving the tongues accustomed to human-rendered fancies?

In response, several artists who contributed to the game’s visual arsenal came forward to state that they aren’t AI, thank you very much. But as they say, the jury’s still out. Well, the jury of fans on internet forums, anyway. They seem undecided and are debating this affair with the intensity of a dragon defending its hoard.

In conclusion, welcome to the marvelous strangeness of our tech-driven era, where fans are accusing game makers of not keeping it old school in a fantasy trading card world. Can we call this ‘digital magic’ a scandal or just one more sign of the times where AI is as omnipresent as the air we breathe? Either way, the verse of tech wrangling with human artistry gets another stanza.

Read the original article here: https://dailyai.com/2024/01/the-creators-of-magic-the-gathering-accused-of-using-ai-generated-imagery/