OpenAI’s Conundrum: Crafting AI Tools Sans Copyrighted Material is Like Nailing Jelly to a Wall

“OpenAI: creating AI tools without using copyrighted material is “impossible””

“The complaint Microsoft’s OpenAI filed with the International Trade Commission is notable because it is seeking an outright ban on sales and distribution of certain AI models trained using copyrighted data,” says a post on DailyAI. Oh dear! What a kerfuffle in the world of tech that sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. However, it’s as real as the virtual reality headgear that just didn’t fit right.

Reproducing AI tools without using copyrighted material? Might as well teach a Cro-Magnon to juggle light sabers. OpenAI seems to be in a bit of a pickle and they’re not keeping quiet about it. They’ve submitted a complaint to the International Trade Commission appealing for an all-out prohibition on the sales and distribution of specific AI models that have been trained using copyrighted data.

Now just pop that little tidbit in an algorithm and watch it churn. What does it translate to? Basically, OpenAI is saying “don’t use our stuff if you’re not going to play by the rules.” Get the drill, fellow tech beings. It’s paramount to understand that artificial intelligence thrives on data. This isn’t just any old data, no, no. This is data that’s so VIP it’s got copyright protection.

Imagine trying to create an Albert Einstein without having access to a physics textbook? Or worse, Picasso without a paintbrush? That’s what OpenAI is up against. They want, nay, need that copyrighted data. But alas, copyright laws, those pesky, needling rules, are firmly saying “not so fast.”

Sure, lots are arguing that OpenAI needs to suck it up and build models that don’t rely on copyrighted data. Because that’s so easy, right? Just a walk in the park. Cue heavy eye roll. Yes, because a revolutionary technology that’s potentially going to change the face of humanity should abide by the “easy way out” mantra.

So, there we are. A plea from OpenAI to let them use the copyrighted ‘gold dust’ deemed necessary to forge ahead in the AI frontier. Standing in their way are those steadfast copyright laws, arms crossed, wearing grumpy faces. This is a fascinating standoff in the AI realm, and all we can do is wait for the dust to settle while munching on some popcorn. Hopefully, common sense will prevail, and legislation will allow the two to co-exist, thus aiding the continued advancement of artificial intelligence. Stay tuned…

Read the original article here: