“OpenAI’s Cheeky Strategy for Tackling the 2024 Global Elections”
“How OpenAI is approaching 2024 worldwide elections”
“AI and AGI have broad societal impact even before AGI. An issue that’s top of mind for many is how AI will impact elections. As we approach the 2024 US presidential election, we want to lay out how OpenAI thinks about our responsibilities.”
Newsflash! If you’ve been hiding under a rock, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence are fast becoming the puppet masters of society. Who knew a string of code could cause so much chaos … or harmony? It all depends on how you look at it. Take the worldwide 2024 elections as an example. Why listen to human candidates when you can trust a machine? After all, they’re emotionless, objective, and infallible… right? Well, let’s see what OpenAI has to say about their roles and responsibilities in this wild, wild AI West.
OpenAI knows they are in the hot seat as everyone is questioning how AI is going to wiggle its influence in our future elections. It’s not new information that AI can help create, aggregate, and disseminate information. These actions could lead to a Pixartopia where AI can sway election results based on mass manipulation. As much as a dystopian political novel sounds appealing, OpenAI assures that their aim is to redistribute benefits to all, rather than contributing to the problem.
How? Well, they’ve got some guidelines they’ve cooked up which they solemnly swear to adhere to. First off, no playing favorites! OpenAI won’t use its power to give any political candidate the upper hand. It also has no plans to allow third parties to weaponize its technology towards such unfair practices. Now, that’s comforting to know, isn’t it?
Next on the list of noble deeds is avoiding enabling surveillance. OpenAI wants to stop its technology from becoming the all-seeing eye. Let’s face it, nobody wants to be watched all the time. But with AI, where does one really draw the line?
OpenAI also promises to consider concerns of labor and disruption during election times. They understand the importance of maintaining fair play during such volatile periods, thus, they don’t want their technology to fan unnecessary flames.
They also propose a ‘hard off switch’ for their AI, which is ironic because no one has successfully found a ‘hard off switch’ for scary tech in any sci-fi flick ever. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we?
Finally, OpenAI promises to cooperate with institutions to create an AI-positive future and is considering various ways to make its technology accessible and beneficial across the board.
Whether these efforts will pay off and how the future will play out – only time will tell. Till then, let’s keep an eye on our ‘friendly’ neighbor, the AI, and make sure it doesn’t learn too much from watching our erratic human behaviors. After all, we’re a flawed species and let’s keep it that way!