The Ghost of George Carlin: Legal Battle Ignites over AI Mimicry in Comedy Show

“George Carlin’s estate sues creators of AI fake comedy show”

“Jurors on the Internet have decried the farcical nature of an artificial intelligence program attempting to replicate the comedic genius that was George Carlin. His estate, perturbed by the audacity and supposed ethical overstepping, has since initiated a lawsuit against the creators for aiming to resuscitate George’s spirit using artificial intelligence.”

Well, if that’s not a sentence one stumbles upon every day. The world has truly become a surreal place where the programming geniuses (or miscreants, take your pick) entertain themselves by ‘resurrecting’ legendary comedians through artificial intelligence. More hilariously, these mad scientists seem to forget that a string of code won’t quite fit the shoes of comedic legends like George Carlin.

Diving into this comedy of litigation, it’s clear that not everyone is laughing. George Carlin’s estate is positively miffed and it’s not surprising. Imagine someone trying to resurrect your sense of humor via ones and zeros, without your say in the matter. Indeed, some would argue that respect for such creative legacies should include a “do not reanimate with AI” clause.

As armchair critics debate on the ethical dimensions of this techno-madness, there is something vaguely amusing about it all. Perhaps it’s the sheer audacity, or the somewhat ironically tragic attempt to create algorithmic humor without the human touch of an actual comedian present.

Before you rush to defend our AI overlords and shout “Technological innovation!”, pause and ponder. Isn’t the premise of comedy deeply rooted in the human experience? Can the idiosyncrasies of individual humor really be captured in lines of code? To steal a quote from the actual Carlin, “It’s the context that makes them good or ill.” And perhaps, in this context, AI stands for Absolutely Inappropriate.

Suffice it to say, entities like the Carlin estate are right in highlighting the grave implications of such unconsented digital ‘resurrections’. Let’s just leave comedy to human comedians, shall we? Either you die a legend or live long enough to see yourself become a program code. The choice should be clear.

Read the original article here: