Humorous Human Forgetfulness Meets the Unforgiving Memory of AI Assistants

“Humans Forget. AI Assistants Will Remember Everything”

“As machines take on more and more responsibilities, people will be forced to adapt. But the AI doesn’t have a usual human’s forgetfulness—it remembers everything instantly and forever, creating a potentially troubling dynamic as our brains interact with super-powered silicon.”

While many are celebrating the advancements in AI technology, let’s not forget that these “machines” remember everything – forever. Yes, you won’t find these modern marvels misplacing their virtual keys or forgetting where they parked their cloud-based cars, but this unwavering recall, as the article points out, might pose a few problems in the not-so-distant future.

The thing is, humans, lovable as we are, have a genuine knack for getting things wrong, especially when it comes to memory recall. Whether it’s forgetting an important business meeting, or mistaking that Tinder date’s name for that of an ex (oops), our brains are fallible and changeable. Now we’ve got AI on the scene: an infallible machine that remembers every single detail, every mistaken reference, and, terrifyingly, every misquoted meme.

Essentially, we’re becoming entangled with these robotic aristocrats, making them our go-to diary, personal assistant, and all-around superhero. But then again, let’s not ignore the difference in behaviors; humans forget while AIs remember. Ah, what a fun and not-at-all-intimidating dynamic in the works!

Imperfection, being a key part of our biological makeup, is something we’ve grown accustomed to. But what happens when your own AI assistant starts correcting your imperfect memories? “Actually, it wasn’t raining that day,” or “That argument took place on Tuesday, not Wednesday.” How long until that oh-so-helpful input starts to get on our very human, very forgetful nerves?

Think about it; our interactions are at risk of becoming a nightmare of fact-checking, reality-questioning confusion. Where once human conversation flowed with mutual misunderstandings and shared forgetfulness, conversations might soon become about AIs correcting our ‘imperfect’ recollections. Not quite the warm-hearted and empathetic assistant we’d hoped for.

In sum, while AI’s memory prowess might sound impressive, let’s hope it doesn’t come at the cost of our sanity. Technology should be an aid, not a memory overlord that constantly points out our human failings. To quote Shakespeare (correctly, let’s hope), “To err is human.” How will these very mechanical minds handle human error, that beautiful, messy part of life? But then, AIs wouldn’t understand that, would they?

Read the original article here: