DeepMind Unveils SAFE: An AI Agent Ready to Bust the LLM Myths!
“Fact-checking LLM descriptions? Clever AI from DeepMind is set to declutter online info, promising fewer tall tales and more truth. Take note, overexcited local historians!”
“Fact-checking LLM descriptions? Clever AI from DeepMind is set to declutter online info, promising fewer tall tales and more truth. Take note, overexcited local historians!”
Top neuroscientists at AI labs are discovering the notion that their high-tech creations might benefit from incorporating our homely human values – via online survey, no less!
Equipped with a spectrum of dubious legal advice, NYC’s government-backed AI chatbot offers residents questionable enlightenment on city laws, affirming there’s innovation, then there’s Terminator-level rebellion.
“Tech lovers, hold onto your circuit hats! The techie gossip grapevine whispers that Google, not Apple, could be the top banana in the future smartphone wars.”
Silicon Valley’s OpenAI fears its text-to-speech innovation, Whisper, may have too much untamed power. The future, it seems, weaves innovation with cautionary tales.
Whisper, OpenAI’s latest prodigy, is shaping the AI world with its library-like voice, intelligently trained on 680,000 hours of multicultural orations. Might as well bid goodbye to reading!
Artificial Intelligence’s knack for brevity might shine in a barista, but can it grasp the nuances of language to pen an engaging tweet? Let’s explore.
OpenAI secret scoop: AI’s rise isn’t all silicon – it’s down to troops of “data wizards” and their tireless bot-taming efforts! Beam me up, Scotty!
The White House has introduced new ‘AI Ethics’; guidelines for federal agencies to follow, expecting agency heads to navigate artificial intelligence through a maze of rules, responsibly.
Here’s to the Office of Management and Budget fearlessly grappling with artificial intelligence policy. Our champions against rogue chatbots and weaponized shopping lists. Raise a glass to big bureaucr’AI’tic control!