Conversational Banter with Chad Sanderson: The Mastermind Behind Data Contracts Platform
“Interview: Chad Sanderson CEO of data contracts platform”
“When asked about the future of AI in business contracts, Chad Sanderson, CEO of Gable AI, responded, ‘We believe that everything written on paper can be turned into a programmable contract. AI can read it, understand it, and then act on it.'”
Ah, the magical realm of AI capable of doing much more than just binge-watching Netflix for you – it can also conjure up an entire contract, written and executed. Welcome to the future folks, or as Gable AI’s CEO would probably like to call it – just another Tuesday.
Sanderson, in a recent Daily AI interview, suggested that AI sophistication has reached a level where it could pen a legally binding contract and execute it, without human intervention. Well why not? If it can write a recipe, a song, or even a blog post (watch your back fellow humans), why not a business contract? Paperwork, you’re officially on notice.
As advantageous as it sounds, a silver-tongued sea pirate once warned, “the problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.” So, why won’t people just hand over their contract-writing chores to a friendly neighborhood AI? The sticking point, according to our dear CEO, Sanderson, could be trust.
As he points out, business contract writing isn’t like playing a game of chess with an AI, where if the AI cheats or messes up, a table flip ensues. No, contract writing involves a lot more at stake – money, relationships, and possibly the future of your company. Trusting an AI with such a gargantuan task could be like trusting a teenager with your brand-new luxury car- terrifying and potentially disastrous.
On the flip side, Sanderson does raise a compelling argument in favor of using AI in business contracts. Picture this: no more human errors, no more forgotten dates or missed deadlines, and certainly no instances of “accidentally” leaving out a clause that tips the scales heavily in your favor.
Could it be possible that AI might even bring fairness and transparency to the world of contract writing? The courtroom might lose some of its dramatic appeal if the dispute over contract terms boils down to “the AI said so,” but hey, isn’t everyone a fan of simplified legal mumbo jumbo?
In a nutshell, Gable AI’s CEO Chad Sanderson tosses a gauntlet towards critics, reminding them that AI is here to take over – one business contract at a time. Accept it with good grace, or stubbornly hold on to the quill and parchment – the choice is yours. Remember though, the so-called future is knocking rather insistently on your door.